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History of the Kookaburras

Since 1922 more than 400 men have represented Australia in a competitive international fixture. Thanks largely to the work of the Hockey History Project, the following is a series of historical statistics and information about the Kookaburras, including the full list of representatives by player number and the list of players to have made 200 appearances or more for Australia.

For information about the current Kookaburras squad, including biographies, photos and statistical information, visit the Kookaburras section on the website.

Kookaburras match record
Kookaburras goal scorers record
Kookaburras cap (playing) numbers
Kookaburras team lists

Players with 200+ appearances (as of 1 September 2023)
*Eddie Ockenden (427 appearances, 72 goals)
Jamie Dwyer (365 appearances, 243 goals)
Mark Knowles (324 appearances, 30 goals)
Jay Stacy (321 appearances, 172 goals)
Brent Livermore (317 appearances, 29 goals)
Liam De Young (312 appearances, 35 goals)
Michael York (281 appearances, 10 goals)
Stephen Davies (274 appearances, 140 goals)
*Jake Whetton (261 appearances, 76 goals)
Robert Hammond (256 appearances, 28 goals)
*Aran Zalewski (243 appearances, 34 goals)
Matthew Wells (242 appearances, 22 goals)
Paul Gaudoin (234 appearances, 27 goals)
Mark Hager (231 appearances, 179 goals)
Fergus Kavanagh (231 appearances, 16 goals)
*Daniel Beale (229 appearances, 34 goals)
Ric Charlesworth (227 appearances, 85 goals)
*Andrew Charter (224 appearances)
Ken Wark (214 appearances, 5 goals)
*Jeremy Hayward (213 appearances, 107 goals)
Simon Orchard (209 appearances, 56 goals)
Bevan George (208 appearances, 13 goals)
Paul Lewis (207 appearances, 74 goals)
Matthew Swann (204 appearances, 7 goals)
Dean Butler (203 appearances, 14 goals)
David Wansbrough (202 appearances, 34 goals)
Warren Birmingham (200 appearances, 44 goals)
*Current player

Kookaburras Players

Download the full list of players to have represented the Australian men’s hockey team.

Kookaburras Top Scorers

Download a list of Australia’s all time top goal scorers.