
Australian hockey has a rich and prosperous history, one filled with fascinating stories, significant success and incredible characters.

Hockey Australia has identified history and legacy as crucial in ensuring the highest standard of governance across the whole of the sport.

This means Hockey Australia will appropriately recognise the past through recognition programs and events.

This section is dedicated to sharing some of the sport’s history and allowing you to undertake your own research into the history of the national teams (the Kookaburras and the Hockeyroos) and the talented and dedicated individuals who have had the opportunity to represent Australia at the highest level.

None of this would be possible without the dedicated and painstaking work of the Hockey History Project, undertaken by former Australian coach Richard Aggiss and retired journalist John Sanders.

Richard and John continue to research and piece together our national teams' history in celebration of those that have gone before.

Find out how you can help and contribute to the Hockey History Project.

History of Hockey in Australia About the Hockey History Project History of the Kookaburras History of the Hockeyroos Hockey Australia Awards


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