Hockey Australia launches 2023-24 Strategic Plan

Published Mon 27 Feb 2023

A new strategic plan and ambition ‘to increase the opportunities for everyone in Australia to enjoy the game of hockey anywhere, anytime’ has officially been launched by Hockey Australia and the State/Territory Member Associations.

After two years of collaboration and consultation with all levels of Australian hockey, today’s release of the Australian Hockey Strategic Plan 2023-24 and 2032 Vision marks an exciting period for the sport with ambitions to increase hockey’s growth and profile and remain a leader in the Australian sporting landscape.

To achieve this, hockey will open its doors wider to ensure all Australians feel welcome and included. Starting by placing a stick in as many children’s hands as possible, the objective is to create positive and lasting experiences for anyone who engages with the sport at any level.

Hockey will be seen as a community leader – inclusive, progressive and sustainable. A sport to connect people and improve their lives.

The Strategic Plan is based on four strategic pillars – Growth, Heroes, Sustainability, Digital. The establishment of the pillars will achieve increased alignment, consistency, and efficiency across every level of hockey in Australia, while making it more accessible to more people and creating positive and lasting experiences.

The KPIs and details for each strategic pillar were finalised following work done by Strategic Pillar Working groups, led by Member Association CEOs, Independent Experts as well as Internal Experts and members of Hockey Australia’s Executive Leadership Team.

GROWTH – Create more opportunities to engage with hockey year-round
HEROES – Celebrate our heroes and inspire through their stories
DIGITAL – Use digital technology to drive efficiency and quality of user experience through increased engagement on our digital platforms
SUSTAINABILITY – Continue to find efficiencies and generate a greater return on the investment of our human, financial and environmental resources

David Pryles, CEO Hockey Australia
“Hockey in Australia is in a strong position to capitalise on the green and gold runway over the next decade. This Strategic Plan in the short term coupled with the longer-term Vision to Brisbane 2032 and beyond has been a crucial project undertaken in collaboration with many of hockey’s stakeholders.”

“As a sport we need to continue to be ambitious, innovative and evolve to ensure we create positive and lasting experiences for anyone who engages with hockey, from the Kookaburras and Hockeyroos through to Hookin2Hockey, grassroots, officials and volunteers.”

“This is an exciting period for hockey in Australia and we look forward to executing this plan over the next two years and seeing the positive impacts it will have.”

Steve Stewart, President Hockey Queensland
“Collaboration between the member associations and Hockey Australia over the last two years has created an environment where we can confidently work together to achieve our strategic goals, which can only benefit Hockey in Australia as we move towards 2032 and beyond.”

Andrew Skillern, CEO Hockey Victoria
“Our sports ability to be brave and embrace Hockey5s will ensure we meet the changing participation landscape in Australia and savour the traditional game.”

Katie Flanagan, President Hockey WA
“Hockey WA is excited to support the 2023-24 Australian Hockey Strategic Plan and 2032 Strategic Vision. The whole-of-sport approach of the new Strategic Plan and Strategic Vision will provide a major boost to the wider hockey community, and we look forward to collaborating with stakeholders across the country for the benefit of the sport in Australia.”

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in Australian hockey.
